artist, designer, inventor and musician
“Light contains in itself all the contrasts I want to explore through art. It is an interesting medium for examining interactions of art, design and new media. It can be natural as well as artificial, it is physical as well as ephemeral, and it can be designed or used in its pure form. It is a source of energy but at the same time it uses energy. It is a subject of art and at the same time it is its object.”
Since studying Visual Communication and Experimental Media Design at the Berlin University of the Arts, Bauder has worked as an artist around the world, focusing on the transfer of bits and bytes into real space and vice versa. Light, object, space and sound are the central elements of his work.
Bauder's most famous work is probably the art installation LICHTGRENZE, which he created with his brother Marc in 2014 to mark the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Christopher Bauder's installations and performances have delighted audiences around the world. His work has been shown at the Centre Pompidou Paris, the Noor Festival Riyadh, the MUTEK Festival Montreal, the CTM & Transmediale Festival Berlin, the Festival of Lights Lyon, the National Museum of Fine Arts Taiwan and the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing, among others.
Christopher Bauder founded the design studio WHITEvoid in 2004. WHITEvoid develops spatial installations, visualisations and products for exhibitions, events, festivals and concerts. The studio consists of specialists in architecture, scenography, mechanics, electronics and software. This was followed in 2013 by the creation of KINETIC LIGHTS, a company specialising in the development and production of professional kinetic lighting technology.
In 2021, Bauder opened his DARK MATTER light art exhibition in Berlin. More than half a million people have already visited the permanent exhibition, which offers an overview of his work from the last 20 years. With the special open-air exhibitions WINTERLIGHTS and SOMMERLIGHTS, Bauder and his team have created additional seasonal highlights for DARK MATTER, which have quickly become visitor magnets, not least thanks to the popular live events.
His projects have received numerous awards, including the German Lighting Design Award, the Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Reddot Design Award, the iF Communication Design Award, the Cannes Lions and the Iconic Architecture Award.
Christopher Bauder lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

Videocittà – Visual. Digital. Culture / Rome, Italy
Designforum / Dessau, Germany
German Creative Economy Summit / Hamburg, Germany
RENDR Festival / Belfast, Northern Ireland
Prolight & Sound Conference / Frankfurt, Germany
Disruptia Event / Mexico City, Mexico
Designyatra Conference / Goa, India
Color Conference / Lecco, Italy
IALD Conference / Berlin, Germany
TouchDesigner Event / Berlin, Germany
Scena Jutra (Stage of Tomorrow) / Warsaw, Poland
Madrid Design Festival / Madrid, Spain
Mikki Kunttu's Light & Shadow International Seminar / Tampere, Finland
Scena Jutra (Stage of Tomorrow) / Warsaw, Poland
Centro de Diseño, Cine y Televisión / Mexico City, Mexico
Future Clubs in the Spotlight, ADE BeamLab / Amsterdam, Netherlands
C/O / Berlin, Germany
Shanghai Design Week / Shanghai, China
Lighting Professionals’ Event VALO/ON / Helsinki, Finland
BrandEx – International Festival of Brand Experience / Dortmund, Germany
LICHT DAVOS, 23. Europäischer Lichtkongress / Davos, Switzerland
TU Berlin Architecture for Health, Beuth Hochschule / Berlin, Germany
KIKK Festival / Namur, Belgium
The Bartlett School of Architecture UCL / London, United Kingdom
LaserFreak Treffen / Berlin, Germany
LED Forum / Sao Paolo, Brazil
Resonate / Belgrade, Serbia
Kommunikation im Raum - ADC Seminar / Berlin Germany
Advisory Board Meeting - Atout France, ISES, FAMAB / Lyon, France
DDC Salon / Berlin, Germany
Ex Post / Prague, Czech Republic
IMEX Frankfurt / Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Wismarer DIAlog / Wismar, Germany
The Lab, OHM Berlin / Berlin Germany
SD TALKS - Hochschule Osnabrück / Osnabrück, Germany
VLOW! / Bregenz, Austria
CAN, Circle of Lights Festival, Digital October Center / Moscow, Russia
Jornada Internacional de Iluminación / Mexico City, Mexico
EXHIBITION DESIGN Magic Moments, Iconic World Conferences / Frankfurt am Main, Germany
ADC Young Masters Seminar. Kommunikation im Raum / Cologne, Germany
ELEMENTE materialForum / Berlin, Germany
Internationale Szenografie Biennale 2013 / Ludwigsburg, Germany
Filmakademie Baden Württemberg / Ludwigsburg, Germany
Scope Session Berlin / Berlin, Germany
ADC-Nachwuchskongress / Hamburg, Germany
Kunsthochschule Halle - University of Art and Design / Halle, Germany
Le Cube - centre de création numérique / Paris, France
Electroni(k) Festival / Rennes, France
Video Mapping Symposium, Platoon Kunsthalle / Berlin, Germany
Airstar's Convention / Château de Faverges-de-la-Tour, France
Professor Bauhaus University (HS Anhalt) / Dessau, Germany
Brainsalt / Zurich, Switzerland
Tongji University Shanghai / Shanghai, China
NEXT Conference / Aarhus, Denmark
Interactive Art & Design - Symposium, Universität Würzburg / Würzburg, Germany
ETH CAAD Lectures / Zurich, Switzerland
MAPT, Braunschweig University / Braunschweig, Germany
FH Trier, DESIGN FUSION / Trier, Germany
euroGEL / Copenhagen, Denmark
2024 Berlin Lichtenberger Company of the Year
2023 Red Dot Product Design Award / Best of Best
2023 Sinus – Systems Integration Award
2022 LIT Lighting Design Award / WINNER
2020 MUSE Awards
2018 darc awards / WINNER
2017 AIT TREND Award
2016 German Design Award / GOLD
2016 German Design Award / Special Mention
2016 iF Design Award / GOLD
2016 iF Design AWARD
2016 darc awards / Best Light Art Scheme
2016 ILDA Award - 1st PLACE
2015 Cannes Lions / GOLD
2015 Cannes Lions / BRONZE
2015 Cannes Lions / BRONZE
2015 ADC Awards / GRAND PRIX
2015 ADC Awards / GOLD
2015 ADC Awards / GOLD
2015 ADC Awards / GOLD
2015 ADC Awards / GOLD
2015 ADC Awards / GOLD
2015 ADC Awards / SILVER
2015 ADC Awards / BRONZE
2015 D&AD Award / SILVER
2015 Red Dot Communication Design AWARD
2015 Iconic Award / Best of Best
2015 German Design Award / WINNER
2014 German Design Award / WINNER
2014 Red Dot Communication Design AWARD
2014 Iconic Award / Best of Best
2014 iF Design AWARD
2014 Annual Multimedia Award / SILVER
2014 German Design Award / Special Mention
2014 ILDA Award - 1st PLACE
2013 Red Dot Communication Design AWARD
2013 Iconic Award / Best of Best
2013 iF Design AWARD
2013 iF Design AWARD
2013 Interior Innovation Award Lighting / Selection
2013 Red Dot Product Design Award / Honourable Mention
2013 DDC German Designers Club AWARD
2012 Interior Innovation Award / WINNER
2012 Media Architecture Biennale / WINNER MAB12
2011 Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany / GOLD
2011 iF Design Award / GOLD
2011 iF Design AWARD
2011 Red Dot Product Design Award / Honourable Mention
2011 Deutscher Lichtdesign-Preis / GOLD
2011 DDC German Designers Club AWARD
2010 Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany / SILVER
2009 iF Design AWARD / Interface
2009 iF Design AWARD / Interface
2009 iF Design AWARD / Structure
2009 W3 Award USA / BEST IN SHOW
2009 Interactive Media Award USA / Outstanding Achievement
2008 Red Dot Communication Design AWARD
2008 Interactive Media Award USA / BEST IN CLASS
2008 FWA Online Award USA
2006 BIP (Building Interactive Playgrounds) AWARD
2004 EUROPRIX TopTalent Award TTA Austria
2003 Multimedia Transfer Award Germany